Mom Hacks: Time-Saving Tips for Busy Moms

Darline Singh
3 min readNov 30, 2023

Life as a mom is a whirlwind of joy, chaos, and endless responsibilities. Time becomes an elusive commodity between managing the household, attending to the needs of little ones, and possibly juggling a career. Amid this bustling routine, every mom yearns for a few extra minutes to catch her breath. Fear not, supermom! We’ve compiled a treasure trove of time-saving tips — mom hacks that promise to make your days smoother.

Meal Prepping Magic:

The kitchen can be both a haven and a battleground for moms. The solution? Embrace the magic of meal prepping. Spend a quiet hour on the weekend planning and preparing meals for the upcoming week. Portion them into containers and freeze them. Not only does this save time during the week, but it also ensures that your family enjoys nutritious homemade meals, even on the busiest days.

Master the Art of Multitasking:

Embrace your inner multitasker! While your little one enjoys bath time, use that opportunity to organize their clothes for the next day. Fold laundry while catching up on your favorite podcast or audiobook. Efficient multitasking can turn mundane chores into productive moments, allowing you to check multiple items off your to-do list simultaneously.

Create a Centralized Calendar:

Keeping track of everyone’s schedules can feel like a logistical nightmare. Establish a centralized family calendar on a physical board in a communal area or a shared digital platform. Color-code activities for each family member, making it a quick reference guide for everyone. This not only helps you stay organized but also encourages a sense of responsibility among family members to keep their schedules updated.

Delegate and Conquer:

You’re not alone in this journey. Delegate tasks to your partner and children based on their capabilities. Assigning age-appropriate responsibilities lightens your load and fosters a sense of teamwork within the family. From setting the dinner table to walking the dog, sharing the workload creates an environment where everyone contributes to the household’s smooth functioning.

Embrace Technology:

In this digital age, let technology be your ally. Use smart home devices to automate routine tasks like turning off lights or adjusting the thermostat. Utilize grocery delivery services to save time on weekly shopping trips. Some apps are designed for busy moms to organize schedules, create shopping lists, and share family updates. Leverage the power of technology to streamline your daily routine.

The Power of the 10-Minute Tidy-Up:

A clutter-free space can do wonders for your sanity. Instead of tackling a massive cleaning session, implement the power of the 10-minute tidy-up. Set a timer, and encourage the entire family to pick up and put away items for just 10 minutes each day. Over time, this habit prevents clutter from accumulating and ensures a more organized living space.

Strategic Shopping:

Strategic shopping can save time and money, whether it’s clothes, groceries, or household items. Plan your grocery trips with a well-thought-out list, grouping items by aisle to minimize wandering through the store. When it comes to clothing, opt for versatile pieces that can be easily mixed and matched, reducing the time spent on outfit selection for you and your little ones.

Set Realistic Expectations:

As a mom, it’s essential to recognize your limitations and set realistic expectations. Not every day will be a masterpiece of efficiency, and that’s perfectly okay. Give yourself grace and understand that it’s impossible to do it all. Focus on the essentials, and don’t hesitate to ask for help when needed.

Carve Out “Me” Time:

Amidst the chaos of motherhood, remember to prioritize self-care. Schedule dedicated “me” time into your calendar, whether for a quiet cup of coffee, a workout, or indulging in a favorite hobby. Taking care of yourself is not a luxury but a necessity, and carving out time for self-care ultimately makes you more resilient in facing the challenges of daily life.

Learn to Say No:

Supermom doesn’t mean saying “yes” to everything. Learn to say “no” to commitments that stretch you too thin. Prioritize your well-being and the well-being of your family. By setting boundaries, you create a balance that allows you to be present and engaged in the moments that truly matter.

In the grand tapestry of motherhood, time-saving hacks are the threads that weave together moments of joy and accomplishment. Embrace these tips, and watch as the minutes you save become precious hours reclaimed for the things that truly matter — the laughter of your children, the warmth of your home, and the joy of being a mom. After all, time may be a finite resource, but the love and memories you create are boundless.



Darline Singh

Darline Singh is the owner and CEO of a hospice agency. She is passionate about providing high-quality hospice care to patients.